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Tamara Makoni

Kazuri Consulting
  • Tamara Makoni

    Tamara Makoni is an award-winning inclusion specialist with broad experience in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and cross-cultural leadership. As founder and CEO of Kazuri Consulting, she works extensively with large multinationals as well as NGOs as a facilitator and strategic advisor on initiatives to empower diverse talent through an intersectional approach. Her work has been featured by the World Economic Forum, HRD Connect and Belgium's Legal Diversity & Inclusion Alliance, amongst others. Tamara is based in Belgium and works globally.

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Dirk Van Gerven

Managing Partner
  • Dirk Van Gerven

    Dirk Van Gerven has extensive experience in all areas of corporate and financial law. He also sits as arbitrator in Cepani, ICC and ad hoc arbitrations in the above and other matters.

    He regularly assists larger companies with reorganisations, acquisitions and other transactions and advises listed companies on a wide range of financial and corporate issues including corporate governance.

    Dirk received his law degree from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in 1985. He joined NautaDutilh as a partner in 1999 and was appointed managing partner of NautaDutilh's Brussels office in 2018.

    Dirk is admitted to both the Brussels and New York bars. He has served as president of the Dutch-speaking chapter of the Brussels bar, presides over its permanent education institute for lawyers and is member of the board of directors of CEPANI (the Belgian arbitration institute). From 2003 through 2020, Dirk has sat on the supervisory board of the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), which he presided from 2013 through 2020. He is a member of the American Bar Association as well as of the International Bar Association and the New York Bar Association. Dirk is on the editorial board of TRV-RPS, a leading Belgian corporate law review.

    He publishes frequently on selected topics in the fields of corporate, and financial law and arbitration. His numerous publications have resulted in invitations to address both national and international meetings. He is the author of several treatises, on Associations (2004), Foundations (2004), Companies (2020) and Legal entities (2022). He also wrote a book on gender equality in professional life (Alle mensen zijn gelijk, ook vrouwen). He is the editor of several books published by Cambridge University Press on the European Company (SE), the Prospectus Directive, the Takeover Directive, the Cross-border Mergers Directive, the Capital Directive and Professional Secrecy in Europe and the Americas.

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Ihsane Haouach

Social entrepreneur, author, trainer, and speaker
Ihsane Haouach
  • Ihsane Haouach

    Ihsane Haouach is a social entrepreneur, author, trainer, and speaker, dedicated to promoting equal and sustainable transitions. Alongside international projects targeting efficient and effective organisations, she founded several non-profit initiatives aimed at promoting equity.

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Liesbet Stevens

  • Liesbet Stevens

    Liesbet Stevens zet zich al haar hele loopbaan in voor een gelijkwaardige samenleving en de bescherming van kwetsbare personen.
    In 1993 behaalde ze aan de KU Leuven een baccalaureaat in de filosofie en in 2002 promoveerde ze tot doctor in de rechten. In haar publicaties legde ze zich voornamelijk toe op het strafrechtelijk kader met betrekking tot de integriteit van personen. Sinds 2002 doceert ze het vak ‘seksueel strafrecht’.
    Van 2004 tot 2009 werkte ze als raadgever gelijke kansen voor de Vlaamse minister van Gelijke Kansen. In 2008 werd ze lid van de Raad van Bestuur van het Interfederaal Gelijkekansencentrum.
    Sinds september 2014 is ze aan de slag als adjunct-directeur van het Instituut voor de gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen.

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Sergio Panday

Co-Founder & CEO
Roots Inspire
  • Sergio Panday

    Raised by a single mom on a secretary salary, the odds of a successful, international career in corporate banking were not in Sergio Panday's favour. After an 18-year long career in banking, leading various product and client teams, Sergio Panday is now
    determined to increase ethnic diversity across corporate leadership positions. 

    Following the events in 2020, Sergio decided that enough is enough and a uniquely different approach is required to build more ethnically diverse leadership pipelines. Utilising modern technology, they built a platform to create change - at scale! Involving over 75 ethnic corporate leaders from various industries, they built a programme that changes individual career trajectories, company cultures and industries at large - and the results so far, have been incredible!

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Vanessa Biebel

Chief Operating Officer and Executive Manager of the Competence Centre Sustainability & Circular Economy

Antoinette d’Aspremont Lynden

BNP Paribas Fortis

Ange Vanessa Nsanzineza

Project Manager Let Us Talk
  • Ange Vanessa Nsanzineza

    Ange (26) combines her work as a youth worker with her studies in Anthropology at KU Leuven. Years ago, she started to use her level of curiosity to write articles with StampMedia, which later on led her to many other projects and initiatives surrounding gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and right, anti-racism and decolonisation and migration studies. She is currently in the board of SheDIDIT, StampMedia and MO* Magazine (as a youth representative). 

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Claire Godding

Senior Counsel Diversity, Inclusion & Societal Needs

Elke Jeurissen

Inclusive leadership Expert
  • Elke Jeurissen

    I believe that a diverse, inclusive professional world stimulates innovation, performance, personal growth and talent. I breathe this every day. I embrace all initiatives - academic, political, economic, media and social - that serve my purpose.

    One of the keys to success is leadership and developing an inclusive corporate culture. Given my strategic and hands on expertise, I like to contribute by engaging with leaders in all disciplines who share the same ambition, continue to question themselves - like me - are fascinated by the power of diversity in all its aspects and want to move the business world forward with me. Every day a diverse step forward, together. ​

    ​I can help you with keynotes, workshops, strategy journeys & communities.

    My solutions for inclusive leadership are based on best practices around the globe and the real life experience of hundreds of leaders. I never stop learning. Recently I succeeded the INSEAD Gender Diversity Program. I am co-author of the book 'Who run the world, the power of female leadership' and frequently share my expertise in different media. Women develop their full potential in my Fierce Ladies Tribe. I am Co-Founder of 72Hours Reload, unique experiences & encounters & Founder of the Straffe Madammen network. Throughout my professional career in stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations and public affairs, I had the pleasure to work with many leaders in the political, media, academic and business arena. I shared my vision on more than 100 conference stages.

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Grégory Luaba Déome

Keep Dreaming asbl/vzw
  • Grégory Luaba Déome

    Grégory Luaba Déome is a talent management strategist & diversity matchmaker.

    Co-founder of Keep Dreaming asbl/vzw and manager of You BELong Project; project selected by the Brussels Capital-Region as one of the innovative projects tackling discrimination in hiring and promoting diversity.

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Isabella Lenarduzzi

Social entrepreneur in Gender Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Isabella Lenarduzzi

    Isabella Lenarduzzi is a trainer, consultant and key opinion leader in gender equality, diversity and inclusion. She has been a social entrepreneur for 35 years.
    Her areas of interest include gender equality, diversity, inclusion, employment, education, entrepreneurship and EU advocacy. She has co-written “Europee: 10 donne che racontano l’Europa” (Textus edizioni).

    JUMP, Solutions for Equity at Work is the European that aims to create a more equitable and inclusive society by working with organisations to achieve gender equality and fair representation of diversity.
    JUMP operates all over Europe and is based in Brussels and in Paris.
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Valérie Tanghe

Managing Director
  • Valérie Tanghe

    Valérie is Managing Director at Accenture and leading the BeLux Technology practice for the Communications, Media and High Tech Industry. Prior to Accenture she held engineering management positions in Telecommunications and IT companies. She holds a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from KU-Leuven and believes that “technology solutions will be stronger, solving more of the real world problems, if they can benefit from the female perspective”. 

    Early on in her career she joined the Network of Female Engineers at ie-net vzw.  In 2005 they participated in a Research project from KULeuven that investigated the obstacles of female engineers in their career.  Based on the findings she then obtained a budget from the Flemish government (2008-2013) to promote studying STEM to girls in their last years of high school.

    As a strong advocate for gender equality she supports the Women Organisations in Belgium through the House of Amazone vzw, where she is the President of the Board of directors. She regularly writes columns on gender, ICT and management and was elected ICT woman of the year 2023.

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Audrey-Flore Ngomsik

CEO & Co-Founder
Trianon Scientific Communication
  • Audrey-Flore Ngomsik

    Dr Audrey-Flore Ngomsik is a corporate social responsibility and sustainable development strategist.

    TEDx speaker, a multi-awarded leader, whose mission is to help CEOs place corporate social responsibility in the DNA of their corporate strategy.

    Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry from Sorbonne University in Paris (France), Audrey-Flore has centered her career on promoting, developing, disseminating, implementing, and commercializing scientific and social innovations in sustainable development to reduce the carbon footprint of companies.

    Beyond her strategic consulting, she serves as the president of The Brussels Binder, an organization that works to promote more gender equality in policy debates. As the president, she is leading 

    the organization in thinking beyond gender, and integrating intersectionality into all discussions, to be sure the decisions are made for the benefit of all.

    She also serves as the president of the "Centre des jeunes dirigeants Belgique" (Center for Young Managing Directors, Belgium), where she advocates for more sustainability at the head of all organizations.

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Wafaa Hammich

  • Wafaa Hammich

    Wafaa Hammich is a curator at TEDxBrussels. She is also a PR expert. Before founding her press agency Com'for it!, she was the Spokesperson and Communication Manager at the City of Brussels for 8 years. Recently, She has been recognized Belgium 40 under 40. 

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Els Keytsman

Managing director
  • Els Keytsman

    Since 1 February 2016, Els Keytsman, together with Patrick Charlier, has been appointed director of Unia. Els Keytsman studied Business Management and Applied Economics (VUB). 
    She held various management positions in the social and public sectors. After being politically active for several years, she became head of the Political Department of Oxfam-Wereldwinkels vzw and director of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. 
    Els Keytsman is also active internationally: she is an independent member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and since 2021 alternate member in the Board of the FRA (FRA = European Agency for Fundamental Rights).


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Mathy Mande Muteba

Junior DEI consultant
Wo•Men in Finance Belgium

Sarah Talbi

Painter artist and content creator
Sarah Talbi
  • Sarah Talbi

    Sarah Talbi is a painter artist and content creator based in Belgium. She was born without upper limbs and has compensated for her disability by developing special dexterity with her feet. Passionate about languages, she graduated from the Higher Institute of Translators and Interpreters in Brussels, which allowed her to develop a career as a translator (English-Spanish). For health reasons, she was forced to interrupt her career and discovered a passion for drawing and painting. She enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Saint-Josse (Brussels) and took watercolor lessons at the Watercolor School of Namur.
    In 2018, she became a mother of a little girl, to the delight of her family. Since then, she combines her rôle as a mother with her many passions such as creating videos and content on social medias where she is followed by more than 500,000 people. Regularly, she appears on press and TV shows to share how she has normalized her "extra-ordinary" life.

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